Most business owners delay exit planning until it’s too late. Here are the three essential pillars of a successful transition so you can plan to step away on your own terms and not leave it up to chance.
Read moreWhat Is Exit Planning and Why Should Every Business Owner Care?
Every business owner will transition eventually, yet 94% do not have a plan in place for their post-transition life and 75% regret selling their business just a year later! Creating an exit plan can help alleviate those anxieties. Here’s how.
Read moreDelegation: How to Get More Done, Empower Others, & Guard Against Overload
Almost all leaders struggle at some point with either not delegating (“there is no one who is experienced enough to do it right”) or delegating poorly (“I don’t feel like doing it, so I’ll just give it to her”). Here are ten steps to advance your organization’s effectiveness with wise delegation.
Read moreSuccession Planning: How to Prepare for Leaders Leaving [VIDEO]
We are told to prepare for getting hit by the proverbial "bus." But in reality, something far more common may cause a gap in leadership and put our organizations at risk - illness, accident, quitting, or retirement. Here are four steps to help you prepare for succession when a key leader leaves.
Read moreHow to Finish Well
Layoffs are accelerating. Unexpected retirements are growing. Millions of people are having to make decisions that will determine if they finish well or finish poorly. Here are a few suggestions for those facing this time in life right now.
Read moreWe Are Not Getting Any Younger… And it Should Matter to Every Leader
For the first time in recorded history, there will be more people in the world over the age of 65 than under the age of 5. Here is what the aging population will mean for our organizations in terms of the workforce, health care, education, and spiritual outreach.
Read moreIs Your Vision Sustainable? 10 Ways To Ensure Your Organization Can Withstand the Unpredictable
Bad things happen when we least expect it. While not everything is predictable, we as leaders should know that our organization’s sustainability is only one step away from an economic downturn, a loss of a key staff member, or an unexpected change in competition or market preferences. Here are 10 ways to make your vision more sustainable.
Read moreMoving Beyond What Is… To What Could Be
We have seen a number of leaders make the decision to move outside of what is comfortable and safe to what is so much greater… to what could be. Here are four things needed to help your organization move to "what could be."
Read more5 Gifts to Leave the Person Who Will Take Your Place
Everyone likes gifts, especially really nice ones. And that is true for your successor. As a leader, you make the choice of what to leave for the next person. Here are 5 gifts that the person who takes your place will really appreciate.
Read more6 Times When Your Organization Is Most Vulnerable
When is your organization most vulnerable to decline? Sometimes when you least expect it. Here are the top six seasons when organizations are most vulnerable to a crisis.
Read more7 Reasons Why 70% of Change Efforts Fail – And What Leaders Can Do About It
One of the top jobs of a leader is to guide his/her organization through change. And while change itself can kill the organization, resistance to change is guaranteed to do so! Here are seven reasons change efforts sometimes fail and what we as leaders can do to improve the odds of success.
Read moreWhy a Business Owner within Your Church May Need a Consultant
Leadership can be hard due to the many and varying challenges a leader faces, whether in a church or business context. Proverbs 15:22 reminds us to seek the counsel of wise people. And as a pastor, there may be business owners in your congregation that could be encouraged by the benefits of hiring a consultant. Here are the three main reasons why.
Read moreLeadership Legacy: How to Share Wisdom
This is a guest post by Philip A. Clemens, former Chairman and CEO of the Clemens Family Corporation.
Part of being a leader and possessing good leadership skills includes being intentional about what we pass on to the next generation- whether that includes our family, our workplaces and coworkers, or those we interact with in the community. But what do we leave? I believe that it is much more important to pass on wisdom rather than wealth.
Read more3 Tips to Managing the Change Process
u·biq·ui·tous (yo͞oˈbikwədəs). This is one of those hard to pronounce words that make people around the user say, “She must be real smart!” However, the word is a good one to use when describing change. Ubiquitous means “all over the place” or “pervasive”. And that describes all the change surrounding us – it’s everywhere!
Read moreHow Healthy is Your Board?
When you go to the doctor or the emergency room, one of the first things they do is take your vital signs. These signs are called “vital” for a reason. When any one of the vital signs, like blood pressure or temperature, is far out of the acceptable range, you know you have a problem that needs to be dealt with. The same is true for boards; you need to regularly check the vital signs. The following lists include vital signs related to healthy and unhealthy boards.
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