Senior Consultant
Billy has over 25 years of church, nonprofit, and for-profit leadership experience. He also serves as the character coach for the Lehigh University Men’s Basketball team and on the board of Push The Rock which he founded. Billy has assisted in the launch of a number of nonprofit organizations, and he has worked with organizations and nonprofit ministries around the world. Billy has an M.S. in Organizational Leadership and brings experience in change management, crisis guidance, organizational assessment, leadership coaching, and strategic planning. Contact Billy.
Teams are inherently dysfunctional. But as the leader, you have the power to change that. Here are 9 steps to bring new life into your team.
“What is the most difficult aspect of leadership?” I get asked this frequently. In my opinion, it is the four directions of leadership – leading yourself, leading lateral, leading up, and leading down. Here are best practices to manage each of them well.
What do these brands have in common? Kodak, Nokia, Yahoo, AOL, and Blockbuster. They failed to innovate. Here are four ways leaders can encourage innovation in their organization.
80% of leaders say they frequently express appreciation, but only 20% of employees agree. Here are five ways to increase employee engagement and benefit from a more engaged workforce.
The Villanova men's basketball team won two national championships in three years. How did they do it? They focused on their culture. Here are four reasons why a strong culture matters and how to implement it in your organization.
“Can I give you some feedback?” Those six words can be hard to hear, especially for those in leadership. Here are five ways to handle feedback as a leader.
Our mistakes actually teach people more about leadership than the successes we've had. Watch this video to learn four mistakes leaders make, that I made, and what we can learn from them.
Success in leadership takes more than talent, a high IQ, wealth, or good looks. It takes grit – the ability to persevere when faced with challenges. Watch this video to learn 6 ways to lead with grit and become more effective in your leadership.
As just an average basketball player with a great love for the sport, I was able to leverage my passion for basketball and investing in the next generation and turn it into a 30-year coaching career. Here are the lessons I learned along the way and how you too can leverage your passions for good.
It is estimated that 83% of organizations understand the importance of investing in leadership development at entry-level leadership roles. Yet, only 5% have done it. Here are five ways to support young leaders and bridge that gap.
For many of us, someone's investment made a difference in our leadership, and now we have the opportunity to do the same for others. Here are four ways to leverage the experience and passion of young leaders.
“It’s the beginning of the end if we do not reach young people.” Today, young people age 10 to 24 make up close to one quarter of the world’s population and will shape the future in dynamic ways. Here are five practical ways to invest in the young people in your life.
"Dum spiro spero. While I breathe, I hope." As leaders, right now we need to build a deeper level of trust with those we lead. Here are five steps to build trust in challenging times.
The words jumped off the page of a Harvard Business Article and hit me square between the eyes. "If you're highly successful, your achievements are obvious. It's more novel and inspiring for others to learn about your mistakes.” So here it goes - the nine mistakes I told myself I would never make, but did, and what I learned that countered those beliefs.
Recruiting volunteers is incredibly difficult, especially since only about 1 in 4 U.S. adults volunteer each year. Here are five strategies leaders can use to recruit and inspire their volunteers.