No leader or organization is perfect. But when a team member is known for chronically complaining, they can get labeled as a "headache." Here are six steps to move from being a headache to becoming a hero that adds value.
Read more5 Defining Choices that Make or Break a Leader
Every decision we make as leaders defines who we are. So, if you want to be a leader who has a positive influence and substantive impact, here are five decisions that can make you or break you.
Read moreHorrible Bosses: 8 Lessons I Learned from Some of the Worst Bosses
I have worked for some exceptional people in my life, and I have also worked for some that were not. But even from the worst of them, I learned what never to do and what to do more of. Here are 8 lessons I learned from some of the worst bosses.
Read more12 New Habits for a New Year
“The most practical way to change who you are is to change what you do.” - James Clear. As we head into a new year, here are 12 habits worth starting to grow yourself and improve the lives of those around you.
Read more9 Things Successful People Think About Themselves
Success is not just about what we do, it starts with how we think. Here are 9 things successful people think about themselves, and you should too.
Read more7 Deadly “Sins” Leaders Like to Ignore
As leaders, we all have shortcomings. And when we ignore them, it only compounds the damage. Here are the seven deadly “sins” leaders prefer to ignore the most.
Read moreImposter Syndrome: How to Keep it Real [VIDEO]
If you have ever taken on a new role or project and felt unqualified, you have likely experienced what some call imposter syndrome, a feeling of inadequacy and self-doubt despite proven success. Here are three simple steps to leading with authenticity and overcoming those feelings.
Read moreLeading with a “Clear Head” [VIDEO]
We all have our own doubts, fears, past experiences, and potential conflicts that have a way of staying in our memories and clouding our minds and decisions. As leaders, we need to clear our heads to be able to lead our team well. Here’s how.
Read moreThe Leader Who Travels Without A Trusted Guide… Gets Lost: 3 Things to Look for When Choosing a Guide
People use guides for many reasons: hunting, traveling, rafting, etc. But leaders are on a journey too, and it can be worth having a guide assist you in reaching your greatest accomplishments. Here are 3 things to look for when choosing a guide, coach, or consultant.
Read moreDis-ability or Different-ability? 6 Leadership Lessons from Those Who Are Different
There are about 40 million people in the U.S. living with some type of disability. People with disabilities have extraordinary abilities, or what I call “different-abilities.” Here are six lessons from them that we can apply to our life and leadership.
Read moreAddict or Life Saver? How to See the Full Picture & Resist Faulty Conclusions
A drug addict runs into the ER with a baby that is almost dead. Is she an addict or a life saver? Here are 9 ways for us to see the full picture of the situation we are dealing with and decrease the risk of reaching faulty conclusions.
Read moreStarting 2021 with Advice from Those Ahead of You
When I am stuck in traffic, I always wonder, “What is going on up ahead? Would those drivers with a better perspective tell me to turn around?” So, to start out the new year, we asked a number of our consultants and clients to share their best advice for other leaders. Here are the three themes that surfaced most often.
Read moreWhat We Can Learn About Leadership From Clark Griswold
The Griswolds. Clark. Ellen. Cousin Eddie. There is a reason National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation is one of the most popular Christmas movies in American culture – it presents a view of the imperfections of life, family, and relationships. Here are six leadership lessons that we can learn from Clark Griswold this Christmas.
Read moreFeedback: How to Handle Feedback as a Leader [VIDEO]
“Can I give you some feedback?” Those six words can be hard to hear, especially for those in leadership. Here are five ways to handle feedback as a leader.
Read more8 Leadership Practices From Our Most Successful Clients
We are thankful when we can help a client. But we also love what we learn from them. Here are eight leadership practices we have seen in some of our most successful clients.
Read more6 Leadership Lessons from Those Who Lead from Behind
Every successful leader has someone behind them, working behind the scenes to shape and help them. Here are six things we can learn from those who lead from behind.
Read moreThe 4 Seasons of Leadership Every Leader Will Experience
Similar to the seasons of weather, leaders also go through seasons. If you are in a tough season of leadership, do not be discouraged – seasons are not supposed to be permanent. Here are the four seasons of leadership that every leader will experience.
Read moreServing Fatigue: When Helping Results in Weariness
There’s muscle fatigue, giving fatigue, caregiving fatigue, and even parenting fatigue. But there is another we commonly see in our work with leaders: serving fatigue. Here are some of the most common causes and a few suggestions for managing it in your life.
Read moreHow Do You Lead? 6 Standard Approaches to Leading
What are you most known for in your leadership style? There is no perfect standard approach to leadership, but each can have consequences when not used in the right context. Here are 6 of the most common approaches to leadership.
Read moreQuestions Every Leader or Owner Should Be Asking Right Now
We are now in week three of Covid-19 in the US, and there is an ever-growing abundance of webinars, blogs, articles, and podcasts, all offering advice. While it is good to listen and learn, it is equally important to make sure you are asking yourself, your board, and your team the right questions. Here are 19 questions we believe you should be considering over the next few weeks.
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